Blogging to the Bank 2.0 - Honest Review

Blogging has been around for a few years now. Most people use blogs to record their thoughts and lives, while a select few use them as a free way to make a fortune. One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. Last year he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using nlogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required. This is where his brand new system, Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is coming in handy. For those who know Rob Benwell's story, you're probably already making a killing using blogs. For those who don't, here's the story:
Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of school and was getting himself into debt. He was trying all the techniques the pro's suggest and wasn't getting anywhere. All of that got put aside as he started using his own techniques - making more and more money using simple blogs. In early 2006 he shares this with the world in the form of an e-book called "Blogging to the Bank". Tons of people got rich using his techniques.
But as I said earlier, the techniques demonstrated in that e-book are showing their age. Some of them are not working at all! This is where Blogging to the Bank 2.0 comes in. It's full of new techniques that work online - right now! Everything's explained in plain English, with all the technical mumbo-jumbo cut out. Bloggin to the Bank 2.0 shows you Rob's new blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There's even an advanced section. Most people think search engine optimization is difficult but Rob explains it simply enough for the newbies to understand. Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is a fresh breath of air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make an online income. Click here for more information about this revolutionary system!
The Survey Pro Canada

Saturday, July 7, 2007

You Know You're Addicted to My Chemical Romance When...

[] You go around preaching 'the Romance.'
[x]You cried when Mikey died in the Ghost Of You music video.
[] You are convinced Gerard looked cute in high school (he didn't).
[x]You are convinced Frank looked cute with dreadlocks (he didn't.)
[] You suddenly became very religious when you heard Frank was sick twice.
[x]You threw a party for Mikey's wedding.
[] You sigh, annoyed, whenever Gerard sings "to your room."
[x]You made Gerard say "fuck" over and over again.
[] You bought multiple copies of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge to support your favorite band.
[] You celebrated the 1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks and a day of Gerard's sobriety. (August 11th)
[x]Instead of saying goodbye like normal people you sing, "so long and goodnight."
[x]When someone asks you if you're okay you scream, "I'm not okay!" This is probably why nobody asks you that exact question anymore.
[xx both]You've done your makeup imitating Frank or Gerard.
[] You know Ray Toro's middle and last name (which is not Toro).
[x]You are nodding your head.
[] You send hate mail to Cartoon Network for not accepting the Breakfast Monkey.
[x]You know what the Breakfast Monkey is (cute, duh).
[] You think Belleville, New Jersey is an excellent vacation spot (and cheap, too!)
[x]You imitate the way Gerard's mouth moves to the left when he speaks.
[] You know all the lyrics to "Gerardopoly."
[] You know what "Gerardopoly" is.
[] You own a T-shirt that says "I support Bob Bryar's solo project."
[] You named your pet dog 'Gerard,' his brother 'Mikey,' his mother, 'Donna,' and all your other pets 'Frank,' 'Bob,' and 'Ray.'
[x]You named your Sims, 'Gerard,' 'Mikey,' 'Frank,' 'Bob,' and 'Ray.'
[] You bought Guitar Hero II just to hear "Dead!" (Even though you already have The Black Parade)
[] You followed the Black Parade World Tour around.
[x]You brought a batbelt.
[x]You wear your sleep.
[] You wear your batbelt...when you shower.
[] You have a life-size cardboard cutout of Gerard Way.
[] You have a life-size cardboard cutout of Gerard your bathroom (creepy...).
[] You get excited whenever someone tells you to think of Gerard Way.
[] You get excited whenever someone tells you to think of Gerard Way...moaning.

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